Medical and Travel Assistance

24/7 alarm center
Our immediate response team is always stand-by to receive your calls and messages anytime to assist you throughout your journey.

Early medical report evaluation and second opinion
Getting your medical report evaluated by specialized doctors to sort out best treatment options and best medical practices before you leave your place.

Medical case management
This means that our medical staff keeps a close eye on the medical case and follow up the treatment process step by step for maximum benefit and right protection.

Medical cost containment
Medical services sometimes can be complicated which might lead to unnecessary costs, our specialized team works to minimize the cost with maximum service quality through close follow-up during the process of treatment and preventing any unnecessary procedures and through negotiating with healthcare facilities to recalculate the price and also by offering special discounts for our clients.

Ground and air medical transportation
Anyone can face hard times when they really need urgent transportation. Calling healthcare facilities won’t result the way you expect sometimes. This is where we come in and offer you the best transportation solutions linked with our comprehensive services packages.

Medical clearance at airports
Our valued patients with special needs and medical material attached who require specific assistance like metal-detector waiver and supportive documents for medical materials, we will assist you for a hustle-free experience at airports.

Medical escorting for critical cases
Our team will assign a licensed and experienced medical staff for critical cases that require medical staff escorting the patient during moving from one place to another or those who need home health care.

Global network
We are proud to be able to provide our services on a global scale through our representative offices and trusted partners around the world. Covering more countries gave us the opportunity to understand different healthcare regulations in different countries and thus offering better services for our clients.

Claim management
Claims require complicated paperwork and legal procedures especially in the medical field. We at medifyze will help you through this process for maximum benefit for all involved parties.

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